We believe an act of putting seeds on the ground is similar to introducing something valuable and edifying in somebody’s mind that is highly likely to yield positive results.
Here, below are (seeds) some sites that can be very helpful to you if you are looking for employment:
Curriculum Vitae Review:
- CV Maker
- VisualCV
- ResumUp
- Resume Genius
Job Searching?
- Indeed
- Job Hunt
- JobBait
- Upwork
Preparing for an Interview
- AmbitionBox
- AceTheInterview
- Leetcode
- Career cup
- Gainlo
Looking to upgrade/acquire new skill
Free Online Courses
- Coursera
- edX
- Khan academy
- Udemy
- iTunesU
Free Excel
- Chandoo
- Ms Excel help center.
- Excel hero
- Mr. Excel
- Excel central
Current top skills in demand:
- Copy writing.
- Cloud Computing
- SEO/SEM marketing
- Stock/indices/currency Trading
- Data analysis/engineering
Extra Learning Resource
The focus is what is right before you – to give it your best. It sows the seeds of tomorrow – Kiran Bedi.
With Love