South Africa, like the rest of the world has been wrestling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the time when we are unable to overlook the importance of providing basic items such food to susceptible communities which are highly impacted by the pandemic’s aftermath.

While the world leaders, together with pharmaceutical companies, and WHO are doing their outmost best to control the spread of the virus and mobilizing vaccines across the globe. Our part/role is to make sure that the basic needs of our people are met. We continue to reach out to places in need with the help of those on the ground in areas of distribution to ascertain where we could be of use in alleviating the distress, while making sure that the correct protocols are being followed.

Our acts of love are not only limited to times of distress but are embedded in our DNA. Throughout the lockdown period in 2020, we distributed food parcels in different places across South Africa and continuing.
Our goal is to support those in dire need of basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, medical assistance, and educational bursary assistance through the formation of long- and short- term partnerships, sponsorships, and monetary donations. Recently, we visited DRC- Kinshasa and donated more than 500 parcels in two different areas. Also, back here at home, we donated about 500 food parcels to the community of Pretoria, South Africa.